Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter - The World Reborn!

I got to preach on Easter Sunday for the first time.It was AMAZING! I preached a message called "A World Reborn" based on texts from the book of Revelation, particularly Revelation 1:13-19 and 21:1-5. The basic gist is that at Easter is about more than our personal spirituality - IOW Jesus is alive so I get to have a personal relationship with him.
That's wonderful and true, but its not all there is. And Easter is about more than the foundation of our future hope. It's important and vital that we have a future hope, and certainly God's people go to be with him in heaven - that is, God's dimension as they await the reuniting of soul and body when Jesus comes back, but even that is only the first base camp on the mountain called Easter.

Easter is about a World Reborn. On the first Easter day 2000 years ago when Jesus burst from his tomb, the course of the universe took a U-turn from destruction and death caused by human rebellion and started a course toward a day when heaven (God's domain) and earth will be reunited and we will experience both without separation caused by human rebellion. One day the mountains, rocks, trees, the entire world - reborn on Easter - will cry out with us in worship - worthy is the lamb to receive honor and glory and blessing and praise forever! (Revelation 5:11ff)

Easter is also about the wiping away of tears. Jesus asked Mary why she was crying (John 20), and through the Easter gospel, Jesus wipes away our tears, calls us to wipe away each other's tears and to follow him into the dark parts of the world, and the dark parts of our lives and shine his light, wipe away tears and call out to others so they may hear the voice of Jesus through the walls of fear and shame that they have built to protect their hearts from pain and hurt. This is the ministry we are called to that first Easter.

Christ is Risen!

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