Thursday, December 21, 2006

For You

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you."
Luke 2:11

No word of scripture is unimportant. Sometimes the smallest words make all the difference. Take the passage announcing the birth of Jesus. The angel says to the shepherds, "I bring to you good news." He doesn't just say, "I have some good news." He says in essence, "I have good news and it is for you. In the same way, the angel doesn't say, "A savior was born.", but rather, 'a savior has been born to you.", which is really a clumsy way of translating the thought from greek which is, "Today YOUR SAVIOR was born." He was born for you. Anyone reading of the coming of Jesus can believe that it was a historical fact, and that Jesus was actually born and lived, but it takes a special leap of faith, the faith that God longs so much to give you, to believe that the savior that was born is for you. Jesus was born, lived a perfect life, showed us how to live ,and died unjustly for you, so that you could be reconciled to God to live in his kingdom both now and through eternity. It's for you. Seem hard to swallow? God knows, and he gives faith to those who call on him. A man in the Bible once called out to Jesus, "I want to believe, help me overcome my unbelief." My hope is that if you need to overcome your unbelief that you will adopt that prayer as your own. The one to whom you pray is faithful and He will do it. Merry Christmas

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