Saturday, March 10, 2007

Strep Hits! (or 'It Came from Within!')

Hey gang,

All seven Ohio Rudowskes have strep at one stage or another. It is possible that Joshua contracted it from inside a play tube at a Burger King in Michigan. His aunt noticed that he and one of his cousins had little dots on their legs when they came out of the tubes.
Those little bumps grew and got ugly and swollen and may be the source of everyone else's infection. (lab tests will clarify that early next week). In the mean time, pray for our healing and sanity. Chris and Katherine are doing well already. Matt's not bad, but has a nasty cough with his. Maya is dragging tired, and Rich, Josh, and Becca all have a nasty rash with their case. (Aren't microbes fun?)

This little bit of down time has provided me a great opportunity to read and I recommend a great book by a guy named Andy Stanley called, "It Came From Within!". It deals with the matters of the heart that negatively influence behavior. It has very practical advice for how to go at being healed of these 'monsters'. It's easy to read, I highly recommend it!

See you (itch itch) soon!

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